Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Screens while you wait for chicken

These buzzers at Kyochon chicken on 5th Ave and 32nd St come equipped with video ad space. (mine just had the ad company, but someone else's was working).
Will upload video later

UPDATE:  Video below

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome New Students!

This is our class blog where we will share information, links, and relevant sources pertinent to the class.  This is a free space where everyone will be able to post.  You are expected to follow the blog regularly and be ready to comment online and discuss in class the material on here.

Submissions relevant to each week's topic are welcome, as are casual encounters with ambient and spectacular screens in your daily life!  Each student will be granted posting permissions after the first class.

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Movie Theater, Canton Palace, Ohio, 1980